The New Year always seems like a good time to take stock and check in with ourselves on where we are in life and where we would like to go. Now that we are well into January, how are you feeling about where you are and your vision for 2018? We have included a really great set of questions that can help you start thinking!

Here are a few things that we also find helpful:


Meditation is all about relaxation. Relaxing your mind. Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into an alpha state which promotes healing. It cleanses, grounds and nourishes us from within and calms us, whenever we feel overwhelmed or anxious. With the regular practice of meditation, you will find a multitude of benefits, such as; decreased anxiety, increased happiness, improved emotional stability, heightened intuition, increased focus, clarity and peace of mind and an improved perspective on things that are happening in your life. When meditating, we have an overall feeling of calm and joy and have a deeper understanding of the vastness of our surroundings and our place in it, thus bringing harmony to our environment.

If you are new to meditation, guided meditation might be the perfect fit and there are many sources that can help. Some of our favourites are Oprah & Deepak 21-Day Meditation Experience (they offer a number of free 21-Day meditation series throughout the year), as well as Head Space Meditation Made Simple (they have a variety of guided meditations that are perfect for your needs).


“Travel transforms the traveller… travel helps you become more open, more curious, more tolerant, more inspired… it gives you the opportunity to truly see that we really are all the same… All in all, I believe that travel makes you a better you.” – Allison Frame

Travel is not only fun and exciting, it also promotes physical activity, stimulates the brain, and enhances creativity. Exploring a new destination engages the mind, body and soul in a multitude of beneficial ways that lead to better overall wellbeing. It also increases your feelings of connection to others and to yourself, strengthening your personal identity and boosting your confidence. It allows you to re-connect to yourself and the world through the power and beauty of your surroundings…travel adventures touch the soul and rejuvenate the spirit!

Read: five travel resolutions for a healthy body and soul.


Humans need social connection… the feeling of belonging, love, and affection. Social interaction is vital for maintaining our mental & physical health. Human beings are social animals–our brain is shaped by our social interactions from the time we are born. Being around close family and friends can help reduce stress. Get out there and laugh…great big belly laughs! Laughing alone acts as a stress reducer. Life passes too quickly to ignore opportunities to connect with those we love. Work comes and goes, but your family and friends are forever. Be inspired and become an inspiration to others. Take the time, unfailingly, to engage in relaxing activities with family and friends, or join a club or society where you can connect and engage with people. Group travel is another wonderful way to meet new like-minded people too!

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