Private Camino Traveller Page
Please fill in this info sheet so that we may fully support your Camino journey.
Your emergency contact information and any food sensitivities or dietary restrictions are important to us!
Please use the link below to view this Camino trip PDF file as it is full of important information.
It is full of details like dress codes, weather, what to pack, etc. as well as a day-by-day travel itinerary.
Web based day-by-day trip experience
Camino Conference Call Recordings
A 9 day Divine Pilgrimage to Reflect, Transcend, & Transform
Camino Itinerary
A 9 day Divine Pilgrimage to Reflect, Transcend, & Transform
Camino Fitness
We have put together a comprehensive (yet very doable) 6-month fitness program to help prepare you for our Divine Pilgrimage.
Delicioso: Camino Cuisine
The many routes of the Camino de Santiago cross different regions (in some cases countries), each with its own traditions, culture and food. If you are walking the Camino de Santiago along the French Way, from the French border, here are some classic dishes and traditional produce you will be able to taste.
Camino Fun Facts
The history of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela stretches back more than 1000 years to the discovery of the body of Saint James during the reign of King Alfonso II (792-842)…
Camino Spanish & Galician
Galician is a Romance language (i.e., from Latin) spoken by about 3 million people in Spain’s northwestern region of Galicia. Although it’s most closely related to Portuguese—which is spoken south of the border—it shares many similarities with Castilian Spanish, including sounds and spelling.
Camino Reading
Your spiritual journey can begin long before you begin walking the Camino de Santiago with a great travel book. Here is a list of some of our favourite books to read prior to your travels.
Camino Music
One of the biggest cultural differences between Galicia and any other place in Spain is in its musical tradition. It has long been thought that Galician music owes its roots to the ancient Celtic history…
Camino Movies
“The Way” is probably the most popular movie about the Camino de Santiago. The story follows a loving father and son plot, detailing the journey of Thomas Avery (actor Martin Sheen) along the Camino…
Camino Packing Guide
Deciding what to pack for our Divine Pilgrimage is not an easy task. We have designed a detailed packing guide with tips and advice to help you prepare.