Useful and simple Spanish

¿Hablas español? ¿No? ¡Podemos ayudar!

(Do you speak Spanish? No? We can help!)
Good morning.Buenos días.booEHN-os DEE-as
Good afternoon.Buenas tardes.booEHN-as TAR-dehs
Good evening. (greeting)Buenas noches.booEHN-as NO-chehs
Hello, my name is John.Hola, me llamo Juan.OH-la meh YA-mo Wahn
What is your name?¿Cómo se llama usted?KOH-moh seh YA-mah oos-TEHD
How are you?¿Como esta usted?KOH-moh ehs-TA oos-TEHD
I am fine.Estoy bien.ehs-TOY bee-EHN
Nice to meet you.Mucho gusto.MOO-choh GOOS-toh
See you later.Hasta luego.AHS-ta looEH-go
I am lost. Where is the hotel?Estoy perdido. ¿Dónde está el hotel?ehs-TOY pehr-DEE-doh. DOHN-deh ehs-TA el OH-tel
Excuse me.Con permiso.kohn pehr-MEE-soh.
Please.Por favor.pohr fah-VOR
Thank you.Gracias.gra-SEE-ahs
I'm sorry.Lo siento.low see-EHN-to
Bless you.Salud.sah-LOOD
You are welcome (it was nothing).De nada.deh NA-da
How much does it cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta? kooAN-to KWEHS-ta
How many are there?¿Cuántos hay?kooAN-tohs eye
There are many.Hay muchos.eye MOO-chohs
Do you want to buy this?¿Quiere comprarlo usted?kee-EHR-eh kohm-PRAR-loh oos-TEHD
What time is it?¿Qué hora es? keh OR-ah ehs
Where is the restroom?¿Dónde está el baño?DOHN-deh ehs-TA el BAH-neeo?
I do not understand.Yo no comprendo.yoh no kom-PREN-doh
Would you speak slower, please.Por favor, habla mas despacio.pohr fah-VOR, AH-blah mahs dehs-PAHS-ee-oh
Why?¿Por qué?pohr keh

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